Eurizon SLJ Active ETF
EM Bond Strategic Income

A ‘Quality-Enhanced’ approach to Emerging Markets income

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The ‘Dollar Smile’

Stephen L. Jen and Fatih Yilmaz, creators of the ‘Dollar Smile’ hypothesis

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Seeking out the orthogonal view

Identifying global trends by actively thinking, questioning, and writing

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Our insights

Eurizon SLJ is renowned for its in-house macroeconomic analysis and quantitative modelling. Our research capabilities allow the firm to generate insights on important global economy and policy issues, which are crucial to supporting the investment process. View our latest insights here.

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Research led,
outcome focused investing

Our distinctive macro research led approach to fixed income and currency investing, combined with the robust infrastructure of our parent, Eurizon Capital SGR, enables us to take a long-term view of markets and client relationships.

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Our distinctive macro research led approach to fixed income and currency investing, combined with the robust infrastructure of our parent, Eurizon Capital SGR, enables us to take a long-term view of markets and client relationships.

“Writing and thinking constantly instead of trading is the best way to identify the right trends.”

Stephen Jen, CEO, Co-CIO and Co-founder of Eurizon SLJ Capital

“We believe it is crucial to have portfolio managers that are of a global mindset. It is very important for us in formulating our views.”

Fatih Yilmaz, Co-CIO and Co-founder of Eurizon SLJ Capital

Our Research

As an active research led investment manager, our specialist knowledge of emerging markets and FX enables us to offer long term, outcome focused, investment solutions.

Our unique and informative research on macro-economic and global policies provides a global range of institutional investors, asset managers and analysts with alternative perspectives on the world.

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Closeup rolled of variety banknote around the world. Exchange rate and Forex investment concept.-Image.

Rigorous research forms the backbone of the investments we make on behalf of our clients. Our team of experienced portfolio managers offer a unique approach, combining deep, first-hand emerging market insights with a global context of how the world views these markets.

Latest thinking

The Puzzle: Short-Term Volatility But Clarity Around the Medium-Term Path?

In our last piece, we discussed the evolution of activity in the real economy, both in the UK following the most recent (arguably dovish) MPC...

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  • July 26, 2024
  • 6 Mins Read

The Bank of England & US Data

Episode 131: In this week's Podcast, 1) Volatility in financial markets, 2) Bank of England's upcoming meeting, 3) Key US economic data releases

  • Article
  • July 26, 2024
  • 8 Mins Read

Rates, Inflation, and Market Volatility

Episode 130: It's a huge week for politics, a tricky week for central bank policy and a complex week for macro markets.

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  • July 19, 2024
  • 9 Mins Read

US Growth and Inflation Paths Make Confidence a Preference

In our last piece, we discussed the evolution of activity in the real economy, both in the UK following the most recent (arguably dovish) MPC...

  • Article
  • July 12, 2024
  • 7 Mins Read